The black bracelet on his left wrist at the top of the tattoo bears the name
I've had my "Veni Vidi Vici" tattoo for a couple years now so it doesn't
Tattoo designs - Historum - History Forums
SPQR Mark of Rome Left Bicep Tattoo
I think I might have a tiny bit of scarring but it still looks great and as it's my engagement tattoo it obviously means a lot to me.
roman tattoo: ancora Marco e un altro tattoo… SPQR
He had a S.P.Q.R. tattoo and everything.
Tattoo designs - Historum - History Forums
Roman Eagle SPQR by ~crazyYoda on deviantART
I stumbled across this interesting article in Texas Observer on the modern era of military tattoos… and found this snip worth noting:
Re: Movie Tattoos? Flash?
Forums / General Discussion / Tattoo's
The heavily tattooed chef handcrafts salumi, making sure no hog morsel
counter" in the back and asks if we'd like to sit there. Would we?
I found SPQR with this image of Romulus and Remus nursing from the she-wolf
S.P.Q.R. Pictures, Images and Photos
SPQR This is Sarah's classics tattoo
matching ankle tattoos to signify our mutual friendship and geekiness.
CAUTIONARY TALES – DEBUT SOLO SHOW BY SPQR. October the 10th, 2008 sees the
I love old school sailor tattoos and I think this one works really well with
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