Truly one of the most majestic and magical of all the mythical beasts the dragon demands the attention it constantly receives in the world of tattoo designs. Dragon are prevalent design and symbolic elements throughout Asia including Chine and especially Japan. This has lead to a great deal of Japanese and Chinese artwork to use this mythical beasts as a central theme in their tattoo design work.
Possibly Design Ideas For Dragon Tattoos
There are really an endless number of possibilities when considering getting a dragon tattoo design. The size, style and location of the dragon can greatly change and enhance the symbolism behind the design. For example a dragon with fiery red eyes wrapped around a large sword might represent strength and power. Yet on the opposite end of the spectrum one depicted flying high in the clouds above a lake or the mountains might be a symbol for peace and freedom. What your dragon will symbolize is really dependent on the design and style you choose to give the dragon.
The History Of The Dragon In Japan
Dragons are one of the most important of all the mythological beats in Japanese culture. The Japanese of course have their own word for the dragon, they call them "Ryu" or "Tatsu". They are typically depicted as very long, skinny and full of scales very similar to a serpent. They also frequently are believed to live around large bodies of water. These creatures are so powerful that they are a god and to be revered. In fact the Japanese believed that their first emporer had descended from a dragon and therefore is partially a god and infallible.
The dragon is not only popular in Japan but throughout all of Asia including China, Korea and numerous other Asian countries. You can find dragon designs throughout the sculpture, architecture and art in Japan even to this day the dragon is still a very popular design.
One can see the long history and importance role that dragons play in the prevalent use of dragons throughout Japan. Today it is very common to see dragon sculptures at alters, temples and other places of worship. Miyajima is probably one of the most famous temples dedicated to the dragon. Miyajima means The Isle Of The Temple and is a popular place for religious pilgrimage, tourists and travelers to come and pray to the dragon god for good luck and good fortune. Another famous spot can be found at the Sonsoji Temple in Asakusa Japan.
At the Sensoji Temple the dragon sculpture is taken out each spring and paraded around the temple ground. Thousands of people from all over Japan come to see and participate in this huge festival. This is done to commemorate a major event. The story is about two brothers who in 628 AD were fishing along that bands of the Sumida river. During their fishing trip they accidentally discovered a beautiful statue of the Goddess of Mercy Kanon. It is said that a gold dragon flew up out of the river and into the sky once the discovery was made as a way to celebrate the wonderful finding.
In both Buddhist and Taoist religious traditions the dragon is seen to also represent the hardships that a spiritual pilgrim will have to face in their journey towards enlightenment.
The dragon can also be foudn throughout Japans great literary works and is a prevalent image. For example there is the famous tale of Yamata-No-Orochi (an eight headed serpent) and Susanoo (the man). Yamata-No-Orochi is an eveil beast that devours young women whole. Until Susanoo is able to trick the serpent. He gets the serpent drunk and then is able to successfully kill him.
Japanese Dragon Tattoo Placement Since dragons are so prevalent through Japanese art, architecture, and literature there are many different even historically famous tattoo designs to choose from when contemplating getting a dragon tattoo. As far as location the most popular place is a very large full back piece. This allows for a lot of canvas space to truly depict the beauty and power of the mystical beast. You are not just locked into a large back piece however, as there are many different dragon tattoo designs to work with and you can get a tattoo anywhere on your body that you want. Typically calves, shoulders and sleeve tattoos also work well for dragon tattoos. The choice is up to you and what you want and what you are looking to express int he design.
By Sara Smith
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