Minggu, 11 Januari 2009

Celtic Butterfly Tattoo-The never-ending cycle of life

image of Celtic Butterfly TattooRob meets Saira. This knotted Celtic butterfly tattoo depicts the union of the two sexes, Rob and Saira in this case, giving birth to a new breath and continuing the cycle of life. A pattern of interlaced twisted knots, Celtic Butterfly tattoo is another portrayal of life.

The road takes you through many twists and turns, advancing growth and bringing about various changes. It finally leads you to the same point where you started your journey from. Celtic Butterfly is often seen flashed by women due to the free-spirit of a butterfly.

This connotes transformation in a woman’s life. From a child to an adult and tpicture of Celtic Butterfly Tattooo becoming a mother, this Celtic design portrays the never-ending cycle of life.

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